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about the blog

Hi… welcome!  This is my corner of the internet where I am sharing with others how to be shaken less by life, and stirred more by it.

Basically, I’m writing about Life as I experience it.  My life isn’t special or fancy or incredibly entertaining – but I am learning to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary.  What I am hoping for in my writing is that you can find things to relate to in my humdrum and sometimes difficult life and that the lessons I am learning are helpful to you, too.

Some days my “extraordinary” will be a great recipe to savor; some days it will be a really beautiful photo of something you might be missing on your daily ride to the grocery store; some times it might be some tips for cleaning more effectively or making your home more efficient or comfortable.  Some times I just want to share my transformations in thinking with you as I learn to see new things.

Life can just be jarringly shocking, easily boring, and seemingly futile – and when I start into that pattern of thinking, I become shaken.  But there is so much to be stirred by even in the midst of a completely chaotic scramble to get through each day.  I hope that you enjoy my inspirations.

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